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Changement climatique et conflits au Honduras : renforcer la résilience des communautés et le climat dans le corridor sec

Date : February 29-January 1, 1970

Temps : 10 pm-12 am

Lieu : En ligne


BCCIC and World Neighbours Canada are pleased to be co-hosting "Climate Change and Conflict in Honduras: Building Community and Climate Resilience in the Dry Corridor", an in-person talk with Honduran guest speaker, Carlos Vijil Moreno, Executive Director of Vecinos Honduras.


When & where: Thursday, February 29 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM* at The YWCA Hotel Vancouver (733 Beatty Street, Vancouver BC V6B 2R5) in the Canfor/RBC meeting space. *Doors will open at 6:00PM, so we can start promptly at 6:30pm. Light snacks and refreshments and an opportunity for networking with BCCIC friends, members, partners, and allies will follow the presentation and audience Q&A session.

Have questions? Get in touch with Mary at mary@bccic.ca

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