ICN Youth Delegation
Each year, the Inter-Council Network Youth Delegates, comprised of eight delegates representing the eight provincial and regional councils, attend multilateral spaces and conventions to meet with policymakers and international changemakers.

International Development Week
Every year in February, the Inter-council Network joins civil society organizations, businesses, schools, government agencies, and the public to mark the International Development Week. During this week, we highlight Canadian contributions to international development initiatives from coast to coast to coast and overseas.

Policy and Research
Engaging the public is more crucial, now more than ever, to address current priority issues within the international cooperation sector. A more vocal, informed public can help strengthen, inform and influence global solidarity. The Inter-Council Network (ICN) is actively engaged in research and policy processes that inform public engagement practices within the sector.

The Inter-Council Network hosts webinars on a diverse range of topics in international cooperation and global solidarity.

The Inter-Council Network is committed to platforming and highlighting diverse voices. Our podcasts are one way in which this happens. Our podcasts call attention to important issues such as women’ mental health and the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs).