The Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC), in partnership with Spur Change, is pleased to offer eligible SMOs in Ontario a workshop on Results-Based Management (RBM). This in-person workshop will contribute to a better understanding of RBM through application of the core RBM concepts learned during RBM 101: Practicing Results-Based Management: An Introductory Course. With peer and facilitator support, participants will apply these concepts and leave feeling empowered to implement these tools in your projects!
Objectives of the workshop:
Where: Centre for Social Innovation (CSI) - Spadina (192 Spadina Ave, Toronto)
When: This training series will take place from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST, December 6 & 7, 2022
Deadline to register: Participants have until November 25th to register!
Selection process: There is a maximum of 30 spots available. OCIC and Spur Change will monitor the selection process and send confirmation upon verifying eligibility.
**Each qualified SMO can have up to two representatives participate, if there is space. The organization should select participants for whom this training is most relevant.
Here is the link for the RBM 101 pre-requisite self-paced online training: